September 6, 2020

“Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” the disciples ask. Isn’t it true that whoever is the greatest gets to do what they want, and doesn’t have to defer to others. Don’t we usually think the greatest is the one who uses their position in the community to establish dominance and privilege, and they certainly don’t hesitate to give offense in doing this? Whoever is the greatest in the world’s way gets to throw stumbling blocks in the way of others. The resentment they instill in those around them, the other members of the community, fester and cause the whole community to stumble as their faith in authority plummets creating confusion, resentment, and bitterness.

What will Jesus say in response to their question? Jesus called a little child over and said, “...unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

How can we turn our life around and become like a little child? What does a little child have that adults don’t? A little child is free of rivalry with adults. Jesus wants us to turn our lives around by giving up our rivalry with each other. If we want to enter the kingdom, we must give up comparing ourselves to each other and asking who has more and who has less. The kingdom of heaven is a place devoid of all rivalry, all comparison, all “us” and “them.” In Christ we have everything already since we know we are deeply loved.

Small children can’t throw stumbling blocks because almost everyone is bigger, knows more and has much to teach them. They are not embarrassed by this and expect big people to help them. When we approach children with no need to communicate that we are big and they are small we are welcoming them into the kingdom of heaven in Jesus’ name. If we need to prove we are superior, bigger, stronger, and smarter than we are in rivalry with them and we are throwing a stumbling block in their path. Our unresolved issues, our brokenness, our sin will trip them up. As they stumble, falling through their native trust fractures in multiple directions.

But remember, all is not lost, non-rivalrous and beautiful community with no bitterness is still available. Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”