Our Gospel Lesson from Mark 1:29-39 is a graphic picture of the desperate need of people – and of that One who is able to apply healing and fulfillment for those needs. What we continuously need to review and remember is that this same Jesus also applies His divine touch to the ailments of suffering people today. He knows all about the “demons” that afflict us - whether they take the form of some bad habit or weakness, or show themselves in some compulsion to hate or covet or lust or worry or fear. Jesus knows, and stands ready to cleanse and cure. We trust Him to do just that.

One key to Jesus’ power and ability is suggested in the practice of Jesus, who early in the predawn hours of the day, “rose and went out to a lonely place, and there He prayed.” He was constantly in touch with God the Father.

We can find the power, an inner joy and peace, the spiritual health that will keep us strong and motivated through the blue Mondays, the difficult Tuesdays, the unhappy Wednesdays of our lives! And we can learn to channel such power and peace and joy to the difficult people and situations all about us. It means keeping in touch with God and allowing God to keep in touch with us through Word and Sacrament, the means of grace, and daily communion through prayer and praise. God will have God’s way with us and through us.